Book slides - Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R

2021-02-28 – Important: this blog post is deprecated. With the last revision in march 2021, the Rmd slides are no longer available within the book material.

The slides for my newly released book Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R are finally ready! I apologize for keep you guys waiting.

The slides are available as independent .Rmd files for all book chapters including:

## character(0)

All content is released with a generous MIT license, so fell free to use and edit the files as you wish.

You can download the slides and other book material with the following code:

if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")


# ignore warning messages (long paths..)
afedR::afedR_get_book_files(path_to_copy = '~')

Alternatively, you can download the files directly from github.

The bundle also includes other teaching material that may help conduct a complete R tutorial:

  • Solutions to end of chapter exercises

  • All R Code used in the book

  • Dynamic exercises (package exams)

  • Data files

If you liked the material, please consider purchasing the book and leaving your feedback at Amazon. Your oppinion is very important for promoting the book and help others learn more about R and RStudio. As an author, I certainly appreciate the gesture and will take it as a motivating factor for future editions of the book.

Marcelo S. Perlin
Marcelo S. Perlin
Associate Professor

My research interests include data analysis, finance and cientometrics.

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