
Third edition of **Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R**

It is with great pleasure that I announce the third edition of “Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R”. This work is an international edition of my R book and a lifelong project. My plan is to keep improving the content as much as possible over the next years. I’m happy to see that, just like good wine, the content of the book only gets better with time. Besides the usual revision and improvement of the text, here are the main changes: New pipeline operator A new pipeline operator (|>) was introduced in R version 4.

Compiling book exercises

The third edition of Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R provides a total of 98 end-of-chapter exercises. All activities are freely available in the exams format, meaning that any R tutor can export the same exercises and solutions to use in their own class. In this post I’ll show how to compile exercises to pdf, html, Moodle and blackboard. Installation The first step is to install package afedR3 with devtools: if (!require(devtools)) install.packages('devtools') devtools::install_github('msperlin/afedR3') Another requirement is a working Latex instalation. For that, use tinytex: tinytex::install_tinytex() Compiling Exercises How it works?

bookdown + exams + webex

It’s been three years since I’ve been using package bookdown for compiling and distributing three different books in Amazon and the web. It helped me greatly in all my book projects and I’m always grateful to Yihui Xie for providing such a useful tool at the right time. However, bookdown offers no support for chapter exercises of any sort. While you can write exercises in plain RMarkdown, it is not a good solution for a long term project such as a technical book. When writing the latest edition of Analyzing Financial and Economical Data with R, I aimed for a work cycle where the 100 plus exercises and their solutions were reproducible and easier to maintain.

Compiling Book Exercises to pdf | html | Moodle | Blackboard

The revised second edition of Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R presents more than 100 exercises at the end section of all chapters. All exercises are freely available in the exams format, meaning that any R tutor can export the same exercises to pdf, html or e-learning platforms. In this post I’ll show how to compile exercises to pdf, html, Moodle and blackboard. Installation The first step is to install package afedR with devtools: devtools::install_github('msperlin/afedR') Another requirement is a working Latex instalation. For that, use tinytex: tinytex::install_tinytex() Compiling Exercises How it works?

Revision of book "Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R"

I recently launched the third edition of my portuguese R book (adfeR-pt-br), with many due changes from the international version (afedR-en). To make it clear, the second edition of afedR (en) was ahead in content and the third edition of adfeR (pt-br) closed that gap. But, as it usually is with a time evolving platform such as R, the code in afedR-en changed with the deprecation and arrival of new functions and packages. In order to keep the content up to date, I published a revision of the book in Amazon and its web version.

Book slides - Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R

2021-02-28 – Important: this blog post is deprecated. With the last revision in march 2021, the Rmd slides are no longer available within the book material. The slides for my newly released book Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R are finally ready! I apologize for keep you guys waiting. The slides are available as independent .Rmd files for all book chapters including: ## character(0) All content is released with a generous MIT license, so fell free to use and edit the files as you wish.

Book release - Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R (2º edition)

2021-02-28 – The book was revised in march 2021. See this blog post for details. After a couple of unexpected delays, I am very pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of my book, Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R. You can find it in Amazon as an ebook or paperback. An online version is available here. More details, including supplementary material, are available in the book webpage. The first edition was released back in 2017 and it was a great journey working once again in this material.

Static and Dynamic Book Exercises with R

This post is deprecated due to changes in package code. See the new post in this link. In the new edition of my R book, to be released in early 2020 (see current TOC, new packages and notification form), I’m giving special attention to its use in the classroom. For that, I’ve created class slides and R exercises in the static and dynamic form. All the extra content will be freely available in the internet and distributed with package afedR. Anyone can use it, without the need of purchasing the book (but off course it would help).

Feedback on new book TOC (Table of Contents)

Back in 2017 I wrote the first international1 edition of my book “Analyzing Financial and Economic Data with R” (online version) . While I was happy with the content of the book at the time of publication, today I know I can make it better. As of early 2019, I’m working in the new edition of the book, taking my time (and weekends!) in fixing all issues, expanding chapters and writing new CRAN packages. The current TOC is available here. Let me summarize the main changes from the previous edition: