(2/2) Book promotion (paperback edition) - "Processing and Analyzing Financial Data with R"

I received many messages regarding my book promotion (see previous post ). I’ll use this post to answer the most frequent questions:


Does the paperback edition have a discount?

No. The price drop is only valid for the ebook edition but not by choice. Unfortunately, Amazon does not let me do countdown promotions for the paperback edition.

So, in favor of those, like myself, that like the smell of a fresh book page, I manually dropped the price of the paperback to 17.99 USD (it was 24.99 USD). Printings costs are heavy, which is why I can’t go all the way to a 50% discount. The system tells me that the new price should be live within the next 72 hours. I’ll keep the new price until the end of this week.


When will the second edition be released?

My schedule is to start to work on the new edition of Processing and Analyzing.. on june 2019. Hopefully I can publish it before january 2020. Sorry but I can’t give much detail about the new content yet. But be sure I’ll keep you guys posted.



Marcelo S. Perlin
Marcelo S. Perlin
Associate Professor

My research interests include data analysis, finance and cientometrics.

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