BatchGetSymbols 2.2

One of the main requests I get for package BatchGetSymbols is to add the choice of frequency of the financial dataset. Today I finally got some time to work on it. I just posted a new version of BatchGetSymbols in CRAN. The major change is that users can now set the time frequency of the financial data: dailly, weekly, monthly or yearly. Let’s check it out:

## Loading required package: rvest
## Loading required package: xml2
## Loading required package: dplyr
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Attaching package: 'purrr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:rvest':
##     pluck

my.fct <- function(my.freq) {
  df <- BatchGetSymbols(tickers = c('GE'), 
             = '2010-01-01',
             = Sys.Date(), do.cache = FALSE,
             = my.freq)$df.tickers
  df$freq <- my.freq


my.possible.freq <-  c('daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly')

df.allfreq <- bind_rows(map(.x = my.possible.freq, .f = my.fct))
## Running BatchGetSymbols for:
##    tickers =GE
##    Downloading data for benchmark ticker
## ^GSPC | yahoo (1|1)
## GE | yahoo (1|1) - Got 100% of valid prices | Good job!
## Running BatchGetSymbols for:
##    tickers =GE
##    Downloading data for benchmark ticker
## ^GSPC | yahoo (1|1)
## GE | yahoo (1|1) - Got 100% of valid prices | You got it!
## Running BatchGetSymbols for:
##    tickers =GE
##    Downloading data for benchmark ticker
## ^GSPC | yahoo (1|1)
## GE | yahoo (1|1) - Got 100% of valid prices | Feels good!
## Running BatchGetSymbols for:
##    tickers =GE
##    Downloading data for benchmark ticker
## ^GSPC | yahoo (1|1)
## GE | yahoo (1|1) - Got 100% of valid prices | You got it!
p <- ggplot(df.allfreq, aes(, y = price.adjusted)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line() + facet_grid(freq ~ ticker)


Marcelo S. Perlin
Marcelo S. Perlin
Associate Professor

My research interests include data analysis, finance and cientometrics.

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